Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This article is fascinating ... Newsweek.com's anonymous employees have turned to the social media network Tumblr to help the failing site's demise. As noted in this Mashable article, it is pretty interesting that staffers would chose Tumblr to create this plea for help instead of Twitter or Facebook. Both of these networks reach a much higher audience than Tumblr. Social media experts are questioning what's really behind this decision that Newsweek.com employees made? Since they remain anonymous, we may never really know. What we do know is that Tumblr is competing with Twitter and rightly so - they are very similar social platforms. So why not chose Twitter instead and/or Facebook ? Quite frankly i'm also a bit confused. Though i did hear a rumor this week, before the Newsweek scandal, that Tumblr is really growing in popularity by leaps and bounds. Do you have a profile on Tumblr? Heads up !

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